Tuesday 2 August 2016

Moritz´ Lego Exhibition

Today I am presenting you some of my recent Lego models.

Turbo Car

Medical droid


Shield transforms to crossbow

Big Leg

comes with a shoulder cannon


comes with a glider

Ultra Magnus

Shark Bite
Name coming soon

Name coming soon

Name coming soon


Name coming soon

Shark Bite Jet Mode

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Death Star

I really love Lego Star Wars. That´s why my daddy and I built this wonderful, self-designed Death Star from Lego Toolo.

Cool, eh?

Walking robot

I am a huge fan of robots, so no wonder I love building robots.

This one is a walking robot, inspired by "Wall-E".

Jet pack for the "Maus"

Dear friends,

I really love the German "Maus" (an orange mouse who is the star of a TV show for children). For my soft toy "Maus" I built a Jet pack from Lego Toolo, so the mouse can fly to outer space :-)

Hope you like it!


Today I want to show you a model I created with Lego Duplo and Toolo.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

My brand new Lego models

Having a blog for my Lego models gave me so much motivation to build something new.

I made some photos for you. If you like them, please leave a comment for me. Thank you :-)
Vehicle Launch Pad
Turbo Special Set

Luke´s Turbo Glider
Ice Man
Mini Turbo Jet
Mini Turbo Jet

Mini Turbo Jet
Mega Crystal Cannon